Ankur Hindi- Revised Edition Coursebook 4

Price: 380.00 INR

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Publication date:



112 pages


Price: 380.00 INR

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Publication date:



112 pages


Part of Ankur Hindi

Ashok Kumar, Kanta Bhatia & K B Tripathi

Ankur Hindi series has been designed to promote logical and scientific aptitude in the students while learning the Hindi language in a systematic manner.

Rights:  World Rights

Part of Ankur Hindi

Ashok Kumar, Kanta Bhatia & K B Tripathi


The lessons included in Ankur Hindi have been carefully chosen to emphasise on human values and conservation of the environment. They have been graded from simple to complex level which aids in the graded development of linguistic and communicative skills. This series include poems, stories, autobiography, letters, drama, essays, picture story and many more features.

Part of Ankur Hindi

Ashok Kumar, Kanta Bhatia & K B Tripathi

Part of Ankur Hindi

Ashok Kumar, Kanta Bhatia & K B Tripathi


1. Speaking Skills to develop the conversational and public speaking skills.
2. Writing Skills to develop creativity as well as familiarise the students with various formats of the written language.
3. Reading Comprehension to develop the analytical skills.
4. Grammar Skills to familiarise the students with various aspects of Hindi language and grammar.
5. Graded development of information and communicative skills.
6. It includes different kinds of lessons which include - Poem, Story, Biography, Drama, Letter, Essays, Satire, Riddle, Picture story etc.
7. Problem Solving Assessment and Dictionary ( Classes 6 to 8).
8. Value based questions.

Part of Ankur Hindi

Ashok Kumar, Kanta Bhatia & K B Tripathi

Part of Ankur Hindi

Ashok Kumar, Kanta Bhatia & K B Tripathi


The lessons included in Ankur Hindi have been carefully chosen to emphasise on human values and conservation of the environment. They have been graded from simple to complex level which aids in the graded development of linguistic and communicative skills. This series include poems, stories, autobiography, letters, drama, essays, picture story and many more features.

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