Reading Portal Preparatory Level 3: The World in Words

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Publication date:



48 pages


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Publication date:



48 pages


Part of

Priyadarshini Gogoi

What’s That?’ by Benita Sen follows the story of a curious little boy ‘Bhombol’. ‘Ronjoy Faces His Fears’ by Priyadarshini Gogoi tells the tale of what Ronjoy is afraid of and how he overcomes his fears. ‘Standing Out Fitting In’by Priyadarshini Gogoi is the heartwarming tale of Papori, the new girl in school, who is very different from the others in her class.

Rights:  World Rights

Part of

Priyadarshini Gogoi

Part of

Priyadarshini Gogoi

Part of

Priyadarshini Gogoi

Part of

Priyadarshini Gogoi

Part of

Priyadarshini Gogoi