Innovative Learning Approach

 Blended Digital and Print Curriculum

Oxford Advantage is an integrated learning solution that combines digital resources with student’s books and workbooks. This approach ensures that the learner is engaged and driving their own individual learning experience.

Cross Disciplinary -Theme Based

The programme follows the interdisciplinary paradigm that stresses on the use and integration of frameworks from multiple disciplines to explain a topic.

Activity based -Learning

It’s a proven methodology that learning by doing is the best way young learners experience and retain concepts. Activities in each chapter provide a hands-on experience.

Concepts and subject specific skills

Oxford Advantage encourages a constant to and fro of information between subjects, each contributing to the understanding of the other.

Differentiated Learning Strategies

Oxford Advantage programme creates a cohesive mental space for learners to use their social, cultural and linguistic background to validate and create knowledge.

Reports and Analytics

The LMS provides quick Reports and Analytics that help monitor student’s progress over the academic year and provide support to teachers in identifying levels of attainment.