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Comparative Politics

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    Making Meritocracy: Lessons from China and India, from Antiquity to the Present
    Making Meritocracy: Lessons from China and India, from Antiquity to the Present Price: 695.00 INR Tarun Khanna and Michael Szonyi
    Paperback | 17/03/2023

    Price: 695.00 INR

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    Outsourcing Repression: Everyday State Power in Contemporary China
    Outsourcing Repression: Everyday State Power in Contemporary China Price: 995.00 INR Lynette H. Ong
    Paperback | 22/02/2023

    Price: 995.00 INR

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    Mobilizing the Marginalized
    Mobilizing the Marginalized Price: 675.00 INR Ethnic Parties without Ethnic Movements

    Amit Ahuja
    Paperback | 20/02/2020

    Price: 675.00 INR

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    Dispossession without Development
    Dispossession without Development Price: 795.00 INR Land Grabs in Neoliberal India

    Michael Levien
    Paperback | 16/04/2018

    Price: 795.00 INR

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