8051 Microcontrollers

MCS 51 Family and Its Variants

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Publication date:



624 pages

Price: 1150.00 INR

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Publication date:



624 pages

First Edition

Satish Shah

8051 Microcontrollers: MCS 51 Family and Its Variants is designed as a comprehensive textbook for undergraduate students of engineering.

Suitable for: 8051 Microcontrollers: MCS 51 Family and Its Variants is designed as a comprehensive textbook for undergraduate students of engineering.

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Satish Shah


8051 Microcontrollers: MCS 51 Family and Its Variants is designed as a comprehensive textbook for undergraduate students of engineering.

It provides a detailed exposure to product development using the 8-bit microcontroller MCS 51 and its variants. Starting from the fundamentals such as introduction to the architecture of the microcontroller chip, instruction set, and commonly used I-O and interfacing concepts; the text provides a large number of assembly language programming examples for proper understanding. A wide range of design applications are provided to introduce most of the concepts required for digital system design with microcontrollers. The most popular 8-bit microcontrollers used for designing intelligent digital instruments as well as controllers for a set of varied applications have been clearly explained and illustrated.

First Edition

Satish Shah

Table of contents

Chapter1. Evolution of Microcontrollers
Chapter2. Introduction to Microcontroller Families
Chapter3. Introduction to Assembly Language Programming
Chapter4. Advanced Programming Techniques
Chapter5. External Peripheral Devices
Chapter6. Interfacing Parallel Devices
Chapter7. Interfacing Serial Devices
Chapter8. System Design
Chapter9. Application I: Smart Energymeters
Chapter10. Application II: Power Line Communication
Chapter11. Application III: Projection Welding Machine Controller
Chapter12. Application IV: Add-On Features For Telephones
Chapter13. Application V: IR-Based Wireless Communication
Chapter14. Application VI: RF-Based Inter-Controller Wireless Communication
Chapter15. Application VII: Mobile Communication

First Edition

Satish Shah


  • Covers the operation, initialization, interfacing, and programming of peripheral IC chips: 8255,8253-8254, 8279, 8251, and RTC-DS1287
  • Discusses popular microcontrollers such as Intel MCS 51, Atmel, and other variants
  • Illustrates programming examples with algorithms and code segments
  • Provides review questions and programming exercises at the end of every chapter
  • Contains C programs in all chapters where applications are discussed
  • Includes appendices containing instruction sets
  • In the CD
  • An overview of architectural features and instruction sets in the form of well-navigated quick charts
  • Microcontroller-based boards with expansion and device interfacing
  • Algorithms and program codes for problems discussed in the text
  • Application software for selected applications


8051 Microcontrollers: MCS 51 Family and Its Variants is designed as a comprehensive textbook for undergraduate students of engineering.

It provides a detailed exposure to product development using the 8-bit microcontroller MCS 51 and its variants. Starting from the fundamentals such as introduction to the architecture of the microcontroller chip, instruction set, and commonly used I-O and interfacing concepts; the text provides a large number of assembly language programming examples for proper understanding. A wide range of design applications are provided to introduce most of the concepts required for digital system design with microcontrollers. The most popular 8-bit microcontrollers used for designing intelligent digital instruments as well as controllers for a set of varied applications have been clearly explained and illustrated.

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Table of contents

Chapter1. Evolution of Microcontrollers
Chapter2. Introduction to Microcontroller Families
Chapter3. Introduction to Assembly Language Programming
Chapter4. Advanced Programming Techniques
Chapter5. External Peripheral Devices
Chapter6. Interfacing Parallel Devices
Chapter7. Interfacing Serial Devices
Chapter8. System Design
Chapter9. Application I: Smart Energymeters
Chapter10. Application II: Power Line Communication
Chapter11. Application III: Projection Welding Machine Controller
Chapter12. Application IV: Add-On Features For Telephones
Chapter13. Application V: IR-Based Wireless Communication
Chapter14. Application VI: RF-Based Inter-Controller Wireless Communication
Chapter15. Application VII: Mobile Communication

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