Antony and Cleopatra

Price: 280.00 INR

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Publication date:



248 pages


Price: 280.00 INR

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Publication date:



248 pages



Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare’s later tragedies based on actual historical figures. The legendary love story of the Roman triumvir and the Egyptian queen is vividly painted by the playwright as a relationship governed by both love and jealousy.

Rights:  World Rights



Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare’s later tragedies based on actual historical figures. The legendary love story of the Roman triumvir and the Egyptian queen is vividly painted by the playwright as a relationship governed by both love and jealousy.

The play constantly shifts between Cleopatra’s palace in Alexandria and Antony’s homeland in Rome creating dramatic tension. Both of them are forced to take decisions for the welfare of their lands at the cost of jeopardizing their relationship. While the scheming Octavius Caesar betrays Lepidus and Antony to wage wars, the lovers try to fight an almost lost battle to claim what is their own.

This edition of The New Clarendon Shakespeare contains a detailed introduction to the play with discussions on the date and style of the play, the use of imagery, Shakespeare’s sources and his use of them, its Roman history, the text and the plot of the play. It also contains a commentary on the text and select literary criticism. The appendix includes extracts from North’s Plutarch.

Illuminating Shakespeare explores the writer’s life and work through video essays, articles, and creative resources for every level from school to scholar. Visit the site at






Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare’s later tragedies based on actual historical figures. The legendary love story of the Roman triumvir and the Egyptian queen is vividly painted by the playwright as a relationship governed by both love and jealousy.

The play constantly shifts between Cleopatra’s palace in Alexandria and Antony’s homeland in Rome creating dramatic tension. Both of them are forced to take decisions for the welfare of their lands at the cost of jeopardizing their relationship. While the scheming Octavius Caesar betrays Lepidus and Antony to wage wars, the lovers try to fight an almost lost battle to claim what is their own.

This edition of The New Clarendon Shakespeare contains a detailed introduction to the play with discussions on the date and style of the play, the use of imagery, Shakespeare’s sources and his use of them, its Roman history, the text and the plot of the play. It also contains a commentary on the text and select literary criticism. The appendix includes extracts from North’s Plutarch.

Illuminating Shakespeare explores the writer’s life and work through video essays, articles, and creative resources for every level from school to scholar. Visit the site at

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