Applied Chemistry II

Price: 250.00 INR

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Publication date:



208 pages


Price: 250.00 INR

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Publication date:



208 pages


Applied Chemistry II is specially designed for the first year engineering students of the University of Mumbai. The book provides a detailed coverage of all the topics taught in Applied Chemistry II offered in the second semester.

Rights:  World Rights


Applied Chemistry II is specially designed for the first year engineering students of the University of Mumbai. The book provides a detailed coverage of all the topics taught in Applied Chemistry II offered in the second semester.

Beginning with the principles of corrosion, the book focuses on the properties and uses of different alloys, analysis of fuels, chemistry of composite materials, and green synthesis of various chemicals. The theory in each chapter is supported with numerous illustrations and examples to help students reinforce their understanding of the concepts. The book has plenty of solved examples, exercises, and review questions. Moreover, university exam questions provided in the book will familiarize the students with the pattern of semester-end question papers.

Table of contents

  1. Corrosion
  2. Alloys
  3. Fuels
  4. Composite Materials
  5. Green Chemistry


  • Enables clear understanding of concepts through numerous examples and exercises
  • Provides summary at the end of each chapter for quick recapitulation
  • Includes university questions for understanding the exam pattern and marking scheme
  • Provides three model question papers for practice


Applied Chemistry II is specially designed for the first year engineering students of the University of Mumbai. The book provides a detailed coverage of all the topics taught in Applied Chemistry II offered in the second semester.

Beginning with the principles of corrosion, the book focuses on the properties and uses of different alloys, analysis of fuels, chemistry of composite materials, and green synthesis of various chemicals. The theory in each chapter is supported with numerous illustrations and examples to help students reinforce their understanding of the concepts. The book has plenty of solved examples, exercises, and review questions. Moreover, university exam questions provided in the book will familiarize the students with the pattern of semester-end question papers.

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Table of contents

  1. Corrosion
  2. Alloys
  3. Fuels
  4. Composite Materials
  5. Green Chemistry

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