Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials

Price: 1425.00 INR

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Publication date:



1064 pages

Price: 1425.00 INR

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Publication date:



1064 pages

Ewan McKendrick

A complete guide to contract law in a single volume. Comprising a unique balance of 60% text to 40% cases and materials, Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials combines the best features of a textbook with those of a traditional casebook.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Ewan McKendrick


A complete guide to contract law in a single volume. Comprising a unique balance of 60% text to 40% cases and materials, Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials combines the best features of a textbook with those of a traditional casebook. The author's clear explanations and analysis of the law provide invaluable support to students, while the extracts from cases and materials promote the development of essential case-reading skills and allow for a more detailed appreciation of the practical workings of the law.

Ewan McKendrick

Ewan McKendrick

Ewan McKendrick

Ewan McKendrick


A complete guide to contract law in a single volume. Comprising a unique balance of 60% text to 40% cases and materials, Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials combines the best features of a textbook with those of a traditional casebook. The author's clear explanations and analysis of the law provide invaluable support to students, while the extracts from cases and materials promote the development of essential case-reading skills and allow for a more detailed appreciation of the practical workings of the law.

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