CTET Preparation and Practice: Child Development and Pedagogy

Papers I & II

Price: 285.00 INR

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Publication date:



240 pages

Price: 285.00 INR

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Publication date:



240 pages

First Edition

Part of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)

Malavika Kapur

Child Development and Pedagogy: Papers I and II for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) seeks to help candidates prepare for the subject Child Development and Pedagogy in Papers I and II of the CTET.

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Part of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)

Malavika Kapur


This book includes a simple point-wise summary of the NCF 2005. It also includes NCF-related questions from the previous years. The NCF 2005 talks about best practices for teaching. Several questions related to the NCF 2005 have appeared in the CTET.

First Edition

Part of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)

Malavika Kapur

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Lifespan Approach
  3. Physical and Brain Development
  4. Cognitive Development
  5. Language and Speech Development
  6. Emotional Development
  7. Social Development
  8. Moral Development
  9. Sexual Development and Gender Roles
  10. Developmental Psychopathology
  11. Hyperkinetic Syndrome (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  12. Learning Difficulties and Specific Learning Disabilities
  13. Externalizing Disorders
  14. Internalizing Disorders (Emotion Disorders)
  15. Inequalities Across Caste, Gender, Class and Language
  16. Educational Psychology: A Historical Perspective
  17. Effective Teaching Learning
  18. Improving Teaching Learning in Schools
  19. Assessment in Schools
  20. Interventions for Learning Difficulties

First Edition

Part of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)

Malavika Kapur


  • Diagrams, flowcharts, and illustration to present concepts and ideas
  • Perspective-based questions to encourage higher order thinking skills
  • Footnotes which provide sources and extra information
  • 250+ multiple choice questions including model test papers for practice, with answer keys for self-evaluation
  • Previous years’ question papers for both Papers I and II to help identify trends and patterns of the examination
  • Videos on pedagogical concepts to aid comprehension
  • Progress evaluation charts at the end of each section

First Edition

Part of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)

Malavika Kapur

First Edition

Part of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)

Malavika Kapur


This book includes a simple point-wise summary of the NCF 2005. It also includes NCF-related questions from the previous years. The NCF 2005 talks about best practices for teaching. Several questions related to the NCF 2005 have appeared in the CTET.

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Lifespan Approach
  3. Physical and Brain Development
  4. Cognitive Development
  5. Language and Speech Development
  6. Emotional Development
  7. Social Development
  8. Moral Development
  9. Sexual Development and Gender Roles
  10. Developmental Psychopathology
  11. Hyperkinetic Syndrome (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  12. Learning Difficulties and Specific Learning Disabilities
  13. Externalizing Disorders
  14. Internalizing Disorders (Emotion Disorders)
  15. Inequalities Across Caste, Gender, Class and Language
  16. Educational Psychology: A Historical Perspective
  17. Effective Teaching Learning
  18. Improving Teaching Learning in Schools
  19. Assessment in Schools
  20. Interventions for Learning Difficulties

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