Desert Thieves

Price: 195.00 INR

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Publication date:



288 pages

Price: 195.00 INR

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Publication date:



288 pages

First Edition

Dan Walker

City Thieves and Sky Thieves unite for a desert adventure

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Dan Walker


Zoya thought she was safe. She'd defeated the notorious Captain Kane, and had started her new life aboard the Dragonfly. But the life of a sky thief is never smooth sailing, and her old enemy has returned intent on destruction.

First Edition

Dan Walker

First Edition

Dan Walker

First Edition

Dan Walker

First Edition

Dan Walker


Zoya thought she was safe. She'd defeated the notorious Captain Kane, and had started her new life aboard the Dragonfly. But the life of a sky thief is never smooth sailing, and her old enemy has returned intent on destruction.

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