Dinosaur Cove Catching The Speedy Thief

Price: 200.00 INR

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Publication date:



128 pages


Price: 200.00 INR

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Publication date:



128 pages


Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Are you ready for the best adventure ever? Jamie and Tom are doing some prehistoric crabbing in their secret Cretaceous world. But when their backs are turned a lightning-quick velociraptor steals their stuff! As the predator races away, the boys set off on a deadly dash through boiling hot, exploding geysers, to try and catch the thief.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor