Dinosaur Cove Snorkelling With The Sea Shark

Price: 110.00 INR

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Publication date:



80 pages


Price: 110.00 INR

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Publication date:



80 pages


Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Are you ready for the best adventure ever? Jamie and Tom are snorkelling in the Permian sea. There are all sorts of weird creatures to spot and even Wanna's having fun on his trilobite shell-boat. But then . . . SPLASH! . . . the boat capsizes and three fins are circling Wanna! How can the boys lure the prehistoric sharks away?

Rights:  World Rights

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor

Part of Dinosaur Cove

Rex Stone;Mike Spoor