Discourse Analysis

A series of brief, clear introductions to the main areas of language study.

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Publication date:



152 pages


Price: 545.00 INR

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Publication date:



152 pages


Part of Oxford Introductions to Language Study

H. G. Widdowson

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of Oxford Introductions to Language Study

H. G. Widdowson


An account of how meaning is expressed and interpreted in spoken and written texts. The book explains key concepts like context, co-text and schema and explores their relevance to an understanding of how texts are constructed and interpreted. It discusses the relationship between analysis and interpretation with particular reference to the work of critical discourse analysis, and looks at the contribution that corpus linguistics has made to the analysis and interpretation of text.

Name of series:<-strong> Oxford Introductions to Language Study


An account of how meaning is expressed and interpreted in spoken and written texts. The book explains key concepts like context, co-text and schema and explores their relevance to an understanding of how texts are constructed and interpreted. It discusses the relationship between analysis and interpretation with particular reference to the work of critical discourse analysis, and looks at the contribution that corpus linguistics has made to the analysis and interpretation of text.

Name of series:<-strong> Oxford Introductions to Language Study

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