Doing Second Language Research

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

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Price: 1345.00 INR

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Part of Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

James Dean Brown &Ted Rodgers

This book gives a clear, accessible introduction to all the main types of second language research.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

James Dean Brown &Ted Rodgers


Are you about to start a Master's degree where you will be carrying out research for the first time? Or do you refer to research in your work as a teacher, teacher trainer, or materials writer? However you are involved with research, this book will give you a clear and thorough introduction to all the main types of language learning research.

Part of Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

James Dean Brown &Ted Rodgers

Part of Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

James Dean Brown &Ted Rodgers


  • Familiarizes you with the basic types of research design used in second language studies
  • Gives you a genuine 'feel' for what doing research is like, by giving you specific roles (e.g. research subject, data collector, data analyst, reporter) within a variety of mini-studies
  • Explains different research types in detail: why they are used; how they are designed; what the different stages are for carrying them out; and how to evaluate them.
  • Introduces you to some of the classic research studies into second language learning and encourages you to analyse and discuss them.
  • Downloadable version of statistical tables and photocopiable worksheets on the Oxford Teachers' Club website

Part of Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

James Dean Brown &Ted Rodgers

Part of Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

James Dean Brown &Ted Rodgers


Are you about to start a Master's degree where you will be carrying out research for the first time? Or do you refer to research in your work as a teacher, teacher trainer, or materials writer? However you are involved with research, this book will give you a clear and thorough introduction to all the main types of language learning research.

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