Environmental Education Coursebook 1

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Price: 225.00 INR

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Part of Environmental Education

Gita Duggal

Environmental Education completely covers the latest syllabus for the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), which has also been adopted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) for the compulsory subject, Environmental Education, from the academic year 2005-2006.

Rights:  World Rights

Part of Environmental Education

Gita Duggal


Environmental Education aims at raising the sensitivity and awareness of learners towards their surroundings. Through an effective integration of text, pictures and stories, it strives to develop skills for healthy and productive living, as also to inculcate proper habits and positive attitudes towards the environment. The books aim to make the learning process interesting, easy and stimulating and also to develop in children awareness, concern and a sense of responsibility towards the environment. The series encourages readers to probe into their everyday lives and gain a better understanding of the environmental concerns that affect the daily lives of the people in all parts of the world.

Part of Environmental Education

Gita Duggal

Part of Environmental Education

Gita Duggal


The key features of books 1 to 5 are as follows:
1. Enables children to fully understand our culture and traditions, thus fostering in them values which will allow them to meet the challenges of modernity.
2. Helps children identify with nature and guide them to preserve its precious gifts.
3. Reinforces concepts through challenging exercises and activities at the end of each chapter.
4. Raises the sensitivity of learners towards their surroundings through stimulating hands-on activities.
5. Motivates the learners to expand their knowledge through exciting things to do in Try this!
6. Clarifies important points through conversations between Bumbles the Bee and Chirpy the Sparrow.
7. Illustrates concepts through Did you know features in each lesson.
8. Provides extensive Teacher's Notes.
The key features of books 6 to 10 are as follows:
9. Easy, conversational style – questions are raised and points clarified through conversations between an environmentalist and two students.
10. Lists of websites and books provide additional information.
11. Each lesson has true stories that illustrate the concepts in interesting ways.
12. Boxes provide additional information.
13. New terms are explained at the end of each lesson.
14. A number of individual and group activities, and interesting exercises have been included.
15. Interesting exercises have been included.
16. An end-section raises deeper questions for the students to think about and discuss in the class.
17. A glossary at the end of the book makes it easy to revise the terms discussed in the book.
18. Tips for teachers are given at the end of the book.

Part of Environmental Education

Gita Duggal

Part of Environmental Education

Gita Duggal


Environmental Education aims at raising the sensitivity and awareness of learners towards their surroundings. Through an effective integration of text, pictures and stories, it strives to develop skills for healthy and productive living, as also to inculcate proper habits and positive attitudes towards the environment. The books aim to make the learning process interesting, easy and stimulating and also to develop in children awareness, concern and a sense of responsibility towards the environment. The series encourages readers to probe into their everyday lives and gain a better understanding of the environmental concerns that affect the daily lives of the people in all parts of the world.

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