Hayes & Williams' Family Law

Price: 1945.00 INR

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Publication date:



896 pages

Price: 1945.00 INR

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Publication date:



896 pages

Stephen Gilmore and Lisa Glennon

Hayes & Williams' Family Law provides comprehensive, critical, and case-focused discussion of the key legislation and debates affecting adults and children. Cases are at the heart of family law and this textbook offers copious case detail, with comprehensive summaries throughout the text to ensure students understand the development of family law through the courts.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Stephen Gilmore and Lisa Glennon


Alongside expert analysis and critique of the current law, the text also explores socio-legal perspectives to help students put that law into context. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter allow students to reflect and apply their knowledge, offering the ideal preparation for exams and assessments.

The text also includes a range of further features to support students new to the subject, including legislation extracts, contextual chapter introductions, and further reading advice, alongside a clear and engaging writing style.

Stephen Gilmore and Lisa Glennon

Stephen Gilmore and Lisa Glennon

Stephen Gilmore and Lisa Glennon

Stephen Gilmore and Lisa Glennon


Alongside expert analysis and critique of the current law, the text also explores socio-legal perspectives to help students put that law into context. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter allow students to reflect and apply their knowledge, offering the ideal preparation for exams and assessments.

The text also includes a range of further features to support students new to the subject, including legislation extracts, contextual chapter introductions, and further reading advice, alongside a clear and engaging writing style.

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