IELTS Practice Tests: With explanatory key and Audio CDs (2) Pack

Four Practice Tests for the IELTS exam

Price: 635.00 INR

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Price: 635.00 INR

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Part of IELTS Practice Tests

Peter May

Four practice tests with answer keys, Audio CD and an online exam practice test.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of IELTS Practice Tests

Peter May


These four tests closely replicate the level, content and presentation of the IELTS Listening, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, and Speaking modules. Strategies and skills exercises provide guidance on how to approach each task. Includes access to extra test practice at

Part of IELTS Practice Tests

Peter May

Part of IELTS Practice Tests

Peter May


  • Factfile about the IELTS exam, including tips and hints
  • Strategies provide a detailed procedure for each IELTS task
  • Improve your skills exercises emphasise the correct approach for each task
  • Sample answers for each task in the Academic Writing modules
  • This With key edition includes audio CDs, and access to an online IELTS practice test at
  • Audio CDs include all four Listening module recordings

Part of IELTS Practice Tests

Peter May

Part of IELTS Practice Tests

Peter May


These four tests closely replicate the level, content and presentation of the IELTS Listening, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, and Speaking modules. Strategies and skills exercises provide guidance on how to approach each task. Includes access to extra test practice at

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