
This very popular series gives teachers practical advice and guidance, together with resource ideas and materials for the classroom.

Price: 780.00 INR

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Publication date:



150 pages


Price: 780.00 INR

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Publication date:



150 pages


Part of Resource Books for Teachers

Jamie Keddie

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of Resource Books for Teachers

Jamie Keddie


Images demonstrates how virtually any text-based activity can be enhanced through the use of images. Images argues that words and images are inseparable, and shows how images can be used to support the teaching of productive and receptive language skills, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and more.

Part of Resource Books for Teachers

Jamie Keddie


  • Includes 61 activities and 35 original images.
  • Examines the possibilities for using a wide range of original images and resources including art, photography, advertising, the Internet, and student-generated images.


Images demonstrates how virtually any text-based activity can be enhanced through the use of images. Images argues that words and images are inseparable, and shows how images can be used to support the teaching of productive and receptive language skills, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and more.

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