Little Oxford Dictionary Of Quotations, 5e

Price: 820.00 INR

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Publication date:



496 pages


Price: 820.00 INR

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Publication date:



496 pages


Susan Ratcliffe, Associate Editor, Quotations & Oxford University Press

The perfect gift for every occasion. Packed with 4,000 quotable quotes new and old, this little book offers the words of famous thinkers and great wits on any subject or special event. Find out what Shakespeare had to say about Friendship, Mark Twain on Dogs, or Oprah Winfrey on Exercise.

Rights:  World Rights

Susan Ratcliffe, Associate Editor, Quotations & Oxford University Press

Susan Ratcliffe, Associate Editor, Quotations & Oxford University Press

Susan Ratcliffe, Associate Editor, Quotations & Oxford University Press

Susan Ratcliffe, Associate Editor, Quotations & Oxford University Press

Susan Ratcliffe, Associate Editor, Quotations & Oxford University Press