Marketing Management and Human Resource Management

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Publication date:



256 pages


Price: 365.00 INR

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Publication date:



256 pages


The second edition of Marketing Management and Human Resource Management is designed to serve as an undergraduate textbook for B. Com students of Calcutta University. Written in a simple language, the book elucidates theory through several examples.

Rights:  World Rights


The second edition of Marketing Management and Human Resource Management is designed to serve as an undergraduate textbook for B. Com students of Calcutta University. Written in a simple language, the book elucidates theory through several examples.

The book is divided into two modules. The first module deals with Marketing Management. It begins with giving an overview of the nature and importance of Marketing. Following this, the book provides detailed discussions on Consumer Behaviour, Market Segmentation, Product Life Cycle, Pricing Distribution, and Promotion. Recent developments in the field of marketing including social and green marketing have been covered as well.

Module II of the title on Human Resource Management also begins with introducing the concept of HRM along its scope and functions. Subsequent chapters cover Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, and Performance Appraisal at length.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction to Marketing
  2. Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation
  3. Product
  4. Pricing, Distribution Channels, and Physical Distribution
  5. Promotion and Recent Developments in Marketing
  6. Nature and Scope
  7. Human Resource Planning
  8. Recruitment and Selection
  9. Training and Development
  10. Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal


  • Completely meets the requirements of Calcutta University B. Com course on Marketing Management and Human Resource Management
  • Discusses newer techniques used for promotion and some of the real-life practices applied in the field of HRM
  • Provides exhaustive end-chapter exercises including MCQs that follow the university question paper pattern
  • Comes with boxed items such as Exhibits, Marketing Theory, and Marketing Practice, in various chapters


The second edition of Marketing Management and Human Resource Management is designed to serve as an undergraduate textbook for B. Com students of Calcutta University. Written in a simple language, the book elucidates theory through several examples.

The book is divided into two modules. The first module deals with Marketing Management. It begins with giving an overview of the nature and importance of Marketing. Following this, the book provides detailed discussions on Consumer Behaviour, Market Segmentation, Product Life Cycle, Pricing Distribution, and Promotion. Recent developments in the field of marketing including social and green marketing have been covered as well.

Module II of the title on Human Resource Management also begins with introducing the concept of HRM along its scope and functions. Subsequent chapters cover Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, and Performance Appraisal at length.

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction to Marketing
  2. Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation
  3. Product
  4. Pricing, Distribution Channels, and Physical Distribution
  5. Promotion and Recent Developments in Marketing
  6. Nature and Scope
  7. Human Resource Planning
  8. Recruitment and Selection
  9. Training and Development
  10. Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal

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