Master Detective

A Kalle Blomkvist Mystery

Price: 180.00 INR

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Publication date:



176 pages

Price: 180.00 INR

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Publication date:



176 pages

First Edition

Astrid Lindgren

A classic detective story by the author of Pippi Longstocking

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Astrid Lindgren


A super sleuth like Kalle Blomkvist is always looking for the next case to crack. So when a mysterious stranger arrives in town he finds the perfect excuse to start an investigation, one that will draw him and his friends into a thrilling case of theft and deception.

First Edition

Astrid Lindgren

First Edition

Astrid Lindgren

First Edition

Astrid Lindgren

First Edition

Astrid Lindgren


A super sleuth like Kalle Blomkvist is always looking for the next case to crack. So when a mysterious stranger arrives in town he finds the perfect excuse to start an investigation, one that will draw him and his friends into a thrilling case of theft and deception.

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