Nelson English International Student Book 3

Price: 180.00 INR

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Publication date:



64 pages


Price: 180.00 INR

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Publication date:



64 pages


Part of International Schools and Nelson English International

John Jackman & Wendy Wren

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of International Schools and Nelson English International

John Jackman & Wendy Wren


Nelson English International teaches the skills and craft of quality writing, catering for the 6-12 year age range, and provides a six year programme of study. It is easily managed in the classroom, with three components at each level: a Student Textbook; a Student Workbook; and a Teacher Resource Book. The Student Textbook gives a thorough coverage of the key skills of Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, Comprehension and Vocabulary Building. The units are designed to build pupils' knowledge of these language skills and apply them in their written tasks, with the aim of writing effectively for a wide range of purposes. Planning, drafting, revising and editing copy are all covered in developing these writing skills. Students are also taught to understand the characteristics of different styles and forms of writing.

Part of International Schools and Nelson English International

John Jackman & Wendy Wren

Part of International Schools and Nelson English International

John Jackman & Wendy Wren


  • Organising and structuring sentences grammatically. Punctuating sentences correctly. Differentiated comprehension. Plenty of examples to ensure understanding. Spelling rules and helpful tips.

Part of International Schools and Nelson English International

John Jackman & Wendy Wren

Part of International Schools and Nelson English International

John Jackman & Wendy Wren


Nelson English International teaches the skills and craft of quality writing, catering for the 6-12 year age range, and provides a six year programme of study. It is easily managed in the classroom, with three components at each level: a Student Textbook; a Student Workbook; and a Teacher Resource Book. The Student Textbook gives a thorough coverage of the key skills of Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, Comprehension and Vocabulary Building. The units are designed to build pupils' knowledge of these language skills and apply them in their written tasks, with the aim of writing effectively for a wide range of purposes. Planning, drafting, revising and editing copy are all covered in developing these writing skills. Students are also taught to understand the characteristics of different styles and forms of writing.

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