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Price: 575.00 INR

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George Yule

The right balance of English grammar explanation and practice for your language level.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

George Yule


Oxford Practice Grammar knows that students need different types of explanation and practice at each stage of their study. Basic provides lots of practice and short explanations. Great for the classroom or for self-study and covers all the grammar you need to prepare for the Oxford Test of English, A2 Key and B1 Preliminary exams.

George Yule

George Yule


  • NEW design presents each unit clearly to make the grammar topics easy to digest
  • Covers the grammar students need to know for international exams such as the Oxford Test of English, A2 Key - C2 Proficiency, IELTS and TOEFL
  • Regular revision units and tests help learners focus on the grammar they need to practise most
  • Downloadable progress tests available for each level
  • Exit tests make sure learners are ready for the next level of Oxford Practice Grammar

George Yule

George Yule


Oxford Practice Grammar knows that students need different types of explanation and practice at each stage of their study. Basic provides lots of practice and short explanations. Great for the classroom or for self-study and covers all the grammar you need to prepare for the Oxford Test of English, A2 Key and B1 Preliminary exams.

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