Reading Portal Middle Level 8: The Red-Headed League - Adapted Graphic Novels

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Publication date:



40 pages


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Publication date:



40 pages


Part of

Arthur Conan Doyle

The Red Headed League’ – Arthur Conan Doyle The great detective Sherlock Holmes is on a new case! Mr Jabez Wilson, his newest client believes that a joke has been played on him. Holmes thinks that there is more to the case than meets the eye. Join Sherlock Holmes and John Watson as they match wits with one of the most notorious criminals of the day. The stakes are high, and the time short.

Rights:  World Rights

Part of

Arthur Conan Doyle

Part of

Arthur Conan Doyle

Part of

Arthur Conan Doyle

Part of

Arthur Conan Doyle

Part of

Arthur Conan Doyle