Reboot! Book 5

Price: 345.00 INR

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Publication date:



137 pages

Price: 345.00 INR

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Publication date:



137 pages

First Edition

Part of Reboot!

Sangeeta Panchal & Alka Sabharwal

Reboot!, our new series in computer science for classes 1 to 8, presents a child-centric approach to learning computer science.

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Part of Reboot!

Sangeeta Panchal & Alka Sabharwal


The series is designed as per the new curriculum released by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) in November 2016. Based on Windows 7 (Professional Edition) and MS Office 2013 (Professional Plus Edition), it aims to help children become comfortable with the use of computers in the world around them. The books at the primary level introduce students to the basics of computers and the Internet, apart from word processing (Word 2013) and presentations (PowerPoint 2013). Scratch, a very interesting and child-friendly programming software, initiates them into the world of coding. At the middle school level, advanced features of Word 2013 and PowerPoint 2013, are followed by introductions to spreadsheets (Excel 2013) and databases (Access 2013). Number systems, ethics in computing, app development, and networks are the other important topics covered here. The basics of HTML familiarize students with web designing concepts while high-level coding is introduced through Java (BlueJ).

First Edition

Part of Reboot!

Sangeeta Panchal & Alka Sabharwal

First Edition

Part of Reboot!

Sangeeta Panchal & Alka Sabharwal


  • Good to Know! Gives useful tips on options available for different operations.
  • Let's Try! Taking examples from other subjects, it includes situational exercises along with their solutions to reinforce conceptual understanding.
  • Fact Bytes Provides interesting information on the topic being covered.
  • Tech Terms Lists all the important technical terms along with their definitions.
  • Computer Manners Explains computer etiquette through cartoon strips.
  • Exercises Include a varied question set testing learners on all aspects of conceptual theory covered in a chapter.
  • Hands On! Offers practical exercises using data, topics, and concepts from other subjects. It encourages learners to apply the concepts learnt to real-life situations, thus enhancing their creative and logical thinking skills.
  • Let's Try! and Hand On! Promote the application of computer science concepts across subject areas, thus enabling subject integration. They also facilitate the development of life skills emphasized in the syllabus by providing rigorous practice.
  • For the Teacher Suggests creative approaches to a chapter or a topic, and provides important information on software covered.
  • Worksheet Tests students using diagnostic question formats that conform to the continuous assessment recommendations of the Council.

First Edition

Part of Reboot!

Sangeeta Panchal & Alka Sabharwal

First Edition

Part of Reboot!

Sangeeta Panchal & Alka Sabharwal


The series is designed as per the new curriculum released by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) in November 2016. Based on Windows 7 (Professional Edition) and MS Office 2013 (Professional Plus Edition), it aims to help children become comfortable with the use of computers in the world around them. The books at the primary level introduce students to the basics of computers and the Internet, apart from word processing (Word 2013) and presentations (PowerPoint 2013). Scratch, a very interesting and child-friendly programming software, initiates them into the world of coding. At the middle school level, advanced features of Word 2013 and PowerPoint 2013, are followed by introductions to spreadsheets (Excel 2013) and databases (Access 2013). Number systems, ethics in computing, app development, and networks are the other important topics covered here. The basics of HTML familiarize students with web designing concepts while high-level coding is introduced through Java (BlueJ).

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