Social Economy Science

Transforming the Economy and Making Society More Resilient

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Publication date:



496 pages

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Publication date:



496 pages

Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi & and Marika Bernhard

Social Economy Science provides the first comprehensive analysis of why and how social economy organizations create superior value for society. The book draws on organizational theory and transition studies to provide a systematic perspective on complex multi-stakeholder forms of action.


Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi & and Marika Bernhard


Lack of progress in the area of global sustainable development and difficulties in crisis management highlight the need to transform the economy and find new ways of making society more resilient. The social economy is increasingly recognized as a driver of such transformations; it comprises traditional forms of cooperative or solidarity-based organizations alongside new phenomena such as impact investing or social tech ventures that aim to contribute to the public good. Social Economy Science provides the first comprehensive analysis of why and how social economy organizations create superior value for society. The book draws on organizational theory and transition studies to provide a systematic perspective on complex multi-stakeholder forms of action. It discusses the social economy's role in promoting innovation for impact, as well as its role as an agent of societal change and as a partner to businesses, governments, and citizens.

About the author:

Edited by Gorgi Krlev, Associate Professor of Sustainability, ESCP Business School, Paris, Dominika Wruk, Assistant Professor for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, University of Mannheim, Giulio Pasi, Professor of Economics, Universidad Loyola, Seville, and Marika Bernhard, Sustainability Lead, DFL (German Football League)

Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi & and Marika Bernhard

Table of contents

1:Why should we care about social economy science?, Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, and Marika Bernhard
2:Public policies to advance the social economy, François Bonnici and Veerle Klijn
3:Social economy: Between common identity and accelerating social change, Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, and Marika Bernhard
4:The joint search for new approaches with a public good benefit: Four strategies and the role of social economy organizations, Marieke Huysentruyt
5:The social economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The risks of marginalization and how to avoid them, Geoff Mulgan
6:Financial market transformations for investing in social impact, Alex Nicholls and Jarrod Ormiston
7:How impact measurement fosters the social economy: From measurement to impact of learning and management for impact, Lisa Hehenberger and Leonora Buckland
8:Beyond a niche approach: Could social business become the norm?, Julie Battilana, Leszek Krol, Alexandra Ubalijoro, and Kara Sheppard-Jones
9:Empowering knowledge and training in higher education as a lever for social economy ecosystems, Rocío Nogales-Muriel and Marthe Nyssens
10:Social economy resilience facing the Covid-19 crisis: Facts and prospects, Rafael Chaves-Avila and Angel Soler-Guillem
11:How social innovation practices of the social economy promote development in Africa, Ruth Brännvall
12:The centrality of social-tech entrepreneurship in an inclusive growth agenda, Mario Calderini, Veronica Chiodo, Francesco Gerli, and Giulio Pasi
13:Why and how to engage beneficiaries as co-(social) entrepreneurs? Considering hardware, software, and orgware for citizen engagement, Anne-Karen Hueske, Willemine Willems, and Kai Hockerts
14:Civic leadership for a transformative social economy: A comparison of city leadership constellations in Italy and the UK, Alessandro Sancino, Michela Pagani, Luigi Corvo, Alessandro Braga, and Fulvio Scognamiglio
15:Public structural funds as a catalyst for social innovation: The experience of Portugal Social Innovation, António Miguel
16:Social procurement to promote social problem solving, Eva Varga and Malcolm Hayday
17:Social outcomes contracting: Seeing a more relational approach to contracts between government and the social economy?, Eleanor Carter and Nigel Ball
18:Conclusions, Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, and Marika Bernhard

Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi & and Marika Bernhard

Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi & and Marika Bernhard

Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi & and Marika Bernhard


Lack of progress in the area of global sustainable development and difficulties in crisis management highlight the need to transform the economy and find new ways of making society more resilient. The social economy is increasingly recognized as a driver of such transformations; it comprises traditional forms of cooperative or solidarity-based organizations alongside new phenomena such as impact investing or social tech ventures that aim to contribute to the public good. Social Economy Science provides the first comprehensive analysis of why and how social economy organizations create superior value for society. The book draws on organizational theory and transition studies to provide a systematic perspective on complex multi-stakeholder forms of action. It discusses the social economy's role in promoting innovation for impact, as well as its role as an agent of societal change and as a partner to businesses, governments, and citizens.

About the author:

Edited by Gorgi Krlev, Associate Professor of Sustainability, ESCP Business School, Paris, Dominika Wruk, Assistant Professor for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, University of Mannheim, Giulio Pasi, Professor of Economics, Universidad Loyola, Seville, and Marika Bernhard, Sustainability Lead, DFL (German Football League)

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Table of contents

1:Why should we care about social economy science?, Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, and Marika Bernhard
2:Public policies to advance the social economy, François Bonnici and Veerle Klijn
3:Social economy: Between common identity and accelerating social change, Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, and Marika Bernhard
4:The joint search for new approaches with a public good benefit: Four strategies and the role of social economy organizations, Marieke Huysentruyt
5:The social economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The risks of marginalization and how to avoid them, Geoff Mulgan
6:Financial market transformations for investing in social impact, Alex Nicholls and Jarrod Ormiston
7:How impact measurement fosters the social economy: From measurement to impact of learning and management for impact, Lisa Hehenberger and Leonora Buckland
8:Beyond a niche approach: Could social business become the norm?, Julie Battilana, Leszek Krol, Alexandra Ubalijoro, and Kara Sheppard-Jones
9:Empowering knowledge and training in higher education as a lever for social economy ecosystems, Rocío Nogales-Muriel and Marthe Nyssens
10:Social economy resilience facing the Covid-19 crisis: Facts and prospects, Rafael Chaves-Avila and Angel Soler-Guillem
11:How social innovation practices of the social economy promote development in Africa, Ruth Brännvall
12:The centrality of social-tech entrepreneurship in an inclusive growth agenda, Mario Calderini, Veronica Chiodo, Francesco Gerli, and Giulio Pasi
13:Why and how to engage beneficiaries as co-(social) entrepreneurs? Considering hardware, software, and orgware for citizen engagement, Anne-Karen Hueske, Willemine Willems, and Kai Hockerts
14:Civic leadership for a transformative social economy: A comparison of city leadership constellations in Italy and the UK, Alessandro Sancino, Michela Pagani, Luigi Corvo, Alessandro Braga, and Fulvio Scognamiglio
15:Public structural funds as a catalyst for social innovation: The experience of Portugal Social Innovation, António Miguel
16:Social procurement to promote social problem solving, Eva Varga and Malcolm Hayday
17:Social outcomes contracting: Seeing a more relational approach to contracts between government and the social economy?, Eleanor Carter and Nigel Ball
18:Conclusions, Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, and Marika Bernhard

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