Talking India

Ashis Nundy in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo

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Publication date:



162 pages

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Publication date:



162 pages

Ramin Jahanbegloo

Rights:  World Rights

Ramin Jahanbegloo


This book is a series of comprehensive interviews conducted by Ramin Jahanbegloo at Tehran and organized over six sessions. The interviewer questions Nundy within the context of his own 'Indian-ness' as also his affinity (and criticisms) for things Indian: whether it be thought, religion, or pluralistic tendencies. The essence of Ashis Nundy and his perspectives on a wide range of things include political philosophy, democracy, India and Pakistan, globalization, Indian culture and tradition, and Gandhi are all revealed.

Ramin Jahanbegloo

Ramin Jahanbegloo

Ramin Jahanbegloo

Ramin Jahanbegloo


This book is a series of comprehensive interviews conducted by Ramin Jahanbegloo at Tehran and organized over six sessions. The interviewer questions Nundy within the context of his own 'Indian-ness' as also his affinity (and criticisms) for things Indian: whether it be thought, religion, or pluralistic tendencies. The essence of Ashis Nundy and his perspectives on a wide range of things include political philosophy, democracy, India and Pakistan, globalization, Indian culture and tradition, and Gandhi are all revealed.

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