The Demon Headmaster

Total Control

Price: 180.00 INR

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Publication date:



176 pages

Price: 180.00 INR

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Publication date:



176 pages

First Edition

Gillian Cross

He's back, and the rules have changed!

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Gillian Cross


Something strange is going on at Lizzie's school. Suddenly everyone's brilliant at something. Where have these amazing skills come from? And why can't they talk about them? It's as though the pupils have no power over their own actions. Could this be something to do with the mysterious new headmaster . . . ?

First Edition

Gillian Cross

First Edition

Gillian Cross

First Edition

Gillian Cross

First Edition

Gillian Cross


Something strange is going on at Lizzie's school. Suddenly everyone's brilliant at something. Where have these amazing skills come from? And why can't they talk about them? It's as though the pupils have no power over their own actions. Could this be something to do with the mysterious new headmaster . . . ?

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