The Demon Headmaster and the Prime Minister's Brain

Price: 415.00 INR

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Publication date:



176 pages

Price: 415.00 INR

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Publication date:



176 pages

First Edition

Gillian Cross

You'll never believe who the Demon Headmaster's after this time . . .

Rights:  World Rights

First Edition

Gillian Cross


The Junior Computer Brain of the Year competition is sending ripples of excitement through the school and when Dinah makes it to the final, she's over the moon. But too late she realizes that she's being used to access the private computer of the Prime Minister . . . the daring new target of the Demon Headmaster!

First Edition

Gillian Cross

First Edition

Gillian Cross

First Edition

Gillian Cross

First Edition

Gillian Cross


The Junior Computer Brain of the Year competition is sending ripples of excitement through the school and when Dinah makes it to the final, she's over the moon. But too late she realizes that she's being used to access the private computer of the Prime Minister . . . the daring new target of the Demon Headmaster!

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