The Illustrated Tigers Of India

Price: 350.00 INR

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Publication date:



136 pages


Price: 350.00 INR

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Publication date:



136 pages


Valmik Thapar & Internationally celebrated tiger and wildlife conservationist

The Illustrated Tigers of India is a comprehensive illustrated reference for 'everything you wanted to know' about tigers in India. The book is a first-hand account of the life of the tiger from birth through adulthood based on the actual observation of tigers in the wild by the author himself, and also by other tiger experts, past and present. Richly illustrated with photographs and line drawings in colour and b/w, it will give readers, particularly younger ones, an informed and authentic account of the life and future of India's tigers.

Rights:  World Rights

Valmik Thapar & Internationally celebrated tiger and wildlife conservationist

Valmik Thapar & Internationally celebrated tiger and wildlife conservationist

Valmik Thapar & Internationally celebrated tiger and wildlife conservationist

Valmik Thapar & Internationally celebrated tiger and wildlife conservationist

Valmik Thapar & Internationally celebrated tiger and wildlife conservationist