The Modern Law of Evidence

Price: 1760.00 INR

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Publication date:



880 pages

Price: 1760.00 INR

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Publication date:



880 pages

Adrian Keane and Paul McKeown

A superbly clear, direct, and detailed explanation of the rules that underpin the law of evidence. An ideal text for undergraduate and postgraduate students, including students undertaking the bar course and solicitors' training courses. The Modern Law of Evidence is also an authoritative resource for legal practitioners and judges.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Adrian Keane and Paul McKeown


The Modern Law of Evidence is well-established as an engaging, authoritative and comprehensive exploration of the law of evidence. Keeping the practicalities clearly in mind, it provides concise and focused analysis of the theory behind the law and sets the rules in context, with an emphasis on recent discussion and current debates. An ideal text for undergraduate and postgraduate students, including students undertaking the bar course and solicitors' training courses. The Modern Law of Evidence is also an authoritative resource for legal practitioners and judges.

Adrian Keane and Paul McKeown

Adrian Keane and Paul McKeown

Adrian Keane and Paul McKeown

Adrian Keane and Paul McKeown


The Modern Law of Evidence is well-established as an engaging, authoritative and comprehensive exploration of the law of evidence. Keeping the practicalities clearly in mind, it provides concise and focused analysis of the theory behind the law and sets the rules in context, with an emphasis on recent discussion and current debates. An ideal text for undergraduate and postgraduate students, including students undertaking the bar course and solicitors' training courses. The Modern Law of Evidence is also an authoritative resource for legal practitioners and judges.

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