The Principles of Equity & Trusts

Price: 2000.00 INR

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Publication date:



784 pages

Price: 2000.00 INR

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Publication date:



784 pages

Graham Virgo

The Principles of Equity & Trusts offers a refreshing, student-focused approach to a dynamic area of law. In the fourth edition of his best-selling textbook, Professor Graham Virgo brings his expertise as a teacher to deliver an engaging, contextual account of the essential principles of trusts and their equitable remedies.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Graham Virgo


Virgo states the law in plain terms before building on an area of debate and encouraging students to fully engage with the inherent issues within the subject. Concise and authoritative analysis enables students to grasp the principles of trusts, develop the confidence to engage fully with the subject area, and excel in their studies.

Virgo approaches the topics with unparalleled clarity and provides the academic rigour for which this text has come to be relied upon. Combining expert knowledge and comprehensive coverage, The Principles of Equity & Trusts is the ideal companion to a course in trusts.

Graham Virgo

Graham Virgo

Graham Virgo

Graham Virgo


Virgo states the law in plain terms before building on an area of debate and encouraging students to fully engage with the inherent issues within the subject. Concise and authoritative analysis enables students to grasp the principles of trusts, develop the confidence to engage fully with the subject area, and excel in their studies.

Virgo approaches the topics with unparalleled clarity and provides the academic rigour for which this text has come to be relied upon. Combining expert knowledge and comprehensive coverage, The Principles of Equity & Trusts is the ideal companion to a course in trusts.

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