Focus On Content-Based Language Teaching

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Price: 875.00 INR

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Patsy M. Lightbown

Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching highlights important research and evidence-based instructional practices for overcoming the challenges of teaching a second or foreign language alongside another academic subject. Extracts from classroom data provide real-life examples of teachers and students interacting with each other in different approaches to content-based language teaching, showing how theory relates to practice. Activities help you relate research and theory on content-based language teaching to your own teaching context.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Patsy M. Lightbown


Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching highlights important research and evidence-based instructional practices that can overcome these challenges. Extracts from classroom data provide real-life examples of teachers and students interacting with each other in different approaches to content-based language teaching, showing how theory relates to practice.

The book includes:
  • Spotlight Studies, highlighting important research on learning and teaching
  • Classroom Snapshots, featuring descriptions of teachers and students engaged in different approaches to learning and teaching
  • Activities which encourage comparison and reflection, helping you to relate research and theory on content-based language teaching to your own teaching context.

This book is part of the Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom series, focusing on key topics for teaching English as a second or foreign language. These research-led instructional guides link the theories of second language acquisition and pedagogy with classroom practice, helping you to reflect on what needs to happen in the language classroom.

Patsy M. Lightbown

Patsy M. Lightbown


  • Extracts from classroom data provide real-life examples of teachers and students interacting with each other in different approaches to content-based language teaching
  • A focus on key classroom-based research studies highlights ways of overcoming the challenges of content-based language teaching
  • Activities help you to relate research and theory on content-based language teaching to your teaching context

Patsy M. Lightbown


  • "educational and comprehensive... this is a timely book, appearing just when the need is felt for more clarification regarding the various approaches encompassed by CBLT and for more detailed definitions with respect to its unique features and differences."
    - System
  • "... readers [who are not familiar with CBLT approaches] will be delighted to come across Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching, written by Patsy M. Lightbown, renowned co-author of the well-known Second Language Acquisition textbook, How Languages are Learned... Overall, this 164-page book provides a clear and concise overview of CBLT and its implementation in different settings for both language majority and language minority students, as well as a comprehensive review of classroom-based research on CBLT with both young learners and adolescent learners."
    - RELC Journal
  • "With Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching, I am delighted to find accounts of such a wide scope of content-based programs for both language majority and language minority students. This book is well-researched and well-written, and succeeds in making complex material very accessible."
    - Marguerite Ann Snow, Professor in TESOL, California State University, Los Angeles
  • "As CBLT has gained unprecedented attention and adoption globally, this book is timely, identifying and demystifying its characteristic features. This book is tailor-made, easily accessible and invaluable to anyone interested in CBLT. It provides the crucial background and practical information one needs to know about this educational approach. By examining studies conducted all over the world (e.g. Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Canada and Spain), this book reveals the strengths and pitfalls of CBLT implementation in different contexts, allowing readers to identify and refine pedagogy which suits their unique circumstance, and to ultimately help their learners to benefit from the essence of CBLT: improving and achieving the necessary language proficiency for subject matter learning such that the second language is not a hindrance to academic achievement."
    - International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

Patsy M. Lightbown


Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching highlights important research and evidence-based instructional practices that can overcome these challenges. Extracts from classroom data provide real-life examples of teachers and students interacting with each other in different approaches to content-based language teaching, showing how theory relates to practice.

The book includes:
  • Spotlight Studies, highlighting important research on learning and teaching
  • Classroom Snapshots, featuring descriptions of teachers and students engaged in different approaches to learning and teaching
  • Activities which encourage comparison and reflection, helping you to relate research and theory on content-based language teaching to your own teaching context.

This book is part of the Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom series, focusing on key topics for teaching English as a second or foreign language. These research-led instructional guides link the theories of second language acquisition and pedagogy with classroom practice, helping you to reflect on what needs to happen in the language classroom.

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  • "educational and comprehensive... this is a timely book, appearing just when the need is felt for more clarification regarding the various approaches encompassed by CBLT and for more detailed definitions with respect to its unique features and differences."
    - System
  • "... readers [who are not familiar with CBLT approaches] will be delighted to come across Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching, written by Patsy M. Lightbown, renowned co-author of the well-known Second Language Acquisition textbook, How Languages are Learned... Overall, this 164-page book provides a clear and concise overview of CBLT and its implementation in different settings for both language majority and language minority students, as well as a comprehensive review of classroom-based research on CBLT with both young learners and adolescent learners."
    - RELC Journal
  • "With Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching, I am delighted to find accounts of such a wide scope of content-based programs for both language majority and language minority students. This book is well-researched and well-written, and succeeds in making complex material very accessible."
    - Marguerite Ann Snow, Professor in TESOL, California State University, Los Angeles
  • "As CBLT has gained unprecedented attention and adoption globally, this book is timely, identifying and demystifying its characteristic features. This book is tailor-made, easily accessible and invaluable to anyone interested in CBLT. It provides the crucial background and practical information one needs to know about this educational approach. By examining studies conducted all over the world (e.g. Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Canada and Spain), this book reveals the strengths and pitfalls of CBLT implementation in different contexts, allowing readers to identify and refine pedagogy which suits their unique circumstance, and to ultimately help their learners to benefit from the essence of CBLT: improving and achieving the necessary language proficiency for subject matter learning such that the second language is not a hindrance to academic achievement."
    - International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

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