Nelson Grammar International Pupil Book 1

Price: 225.00 INR

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Publication date:



32 pages


Price: 225.00 INR

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Publication date:



32 pages


Part of International Schools and Nelson Grammar International

John Jackman, Wendy Wren & Sarah Lindsay

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of International Schools and Nelson Grammar International

John Jackman, Wendy Wren & Sarah Lindsay


For the teaching and learning of English grammar for the international market (West Africa, Middle East, Indian subcontinent). To provide English-learning pupils with a sound basis of the English grammar syllabus building on pupils confidence learning a foreign language with grammatical knowledge in an easily accessible and understandable way.

Part of International Schools and Nelson Grammar International

John Jackman, Wendy Wren & Sarah Lindsay

Part of International Schools and Nelson Grammar International

John Jackman, Wendy Wren & Sarah Lindsay

Part of International Schools and Nelson Grammar International

John Jackman, Wendy Wren & Sarah Lindsay

Part of International Schools and Nelson Grammar International

John Jackman, Wendy Wren & Sarah Lindsay


For the teaching and learning of English grammar for the international market (West Africa, Middle East, Indian subcontinent). To provide English-learning pupils with a sound basis of the English grammar syllabus building on pupils confidence learning a foreign language with grammatical knowledge in an easily accessible and understandable way.

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